(480) 680-7432
Family Law, Defense & DUI Lawyer John Schill

John Schill

Defense Attorney John Schill has been working to protect the interests of clients for over 20 years. Mr. Schill毕业于Creighton University School of Law,在那里他获得了法学博士学位,并开始了成功的法律生涯. Prior to entering Law School, Mr. Schill获得Creighton University的工商管理学士学位.

After Law School, Mr. 席尔作为一名法官辩护律师加入了美国陆军,并被分配到第十八空降兵团, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. During his tour of duty Mr. 席尔于1993- 1994年被派往索马里参加恢复希望行动.

Mr. Schill went on to practice in South Carolina after leaving the Army, 但最终在亚利桑那州定居,并于1998年获准执业.

Prior to forming the Schill Law Group, Mr. 席尔是亚利桑那州最大的消费者欧洲杯外围官网之一的监督律师, 在那里他负责监督成千上万的客户在破产领域的代表, criminal law and personal injury.

Mr. 席尔获得了在亚利桑那州、内布拉斯加州和南卡罗来纳州执业的执照. 他被允许在美国亚利桑那州地区法院执业.

Attorney Matthew Jefferson

Matthew Jefferson

Matthew was born and raised in Alaska. 2001年至2005年就读于俄勒冈大学,获得政治学学士学位. He received a TEFL Certificate in Seville, Spain and then spent time in Buenos Aires, Argentina teaching English.

Upon returning in 2008, 在2009-2012年就读佛罗里达海岸法学院之前,他曾在华盛顿州工作过一段时间. Upon completion of a J.D., 他搬到了盐湖城,参加了2012年夏季犹他州律师考试,并于2012年秋季被录取.

在经营了几年自己的刑事辩护和家庭欧洲杯外围官网之后, 他被亚利桑那州律师协会录取,并于2016年搬到欧洲杯外围继续从事刑事辩护工作. 马修明白刑事辩护涉及的高风险,并努力将被告纳入过程,以获得最好的结果. Understanding that every case is different, 马修的眼光超越了政府的案子,从被告那里得到了全部的故事,这样法庭就可以看到全部的真相.

Matthew enjoys living in the Southwest. 当他不与妻子和狗一起晒太阳时,他喜欢烧烤和烹饪.

Attorney Deborah Levine

Andrew Spillman

Andrew Spillman was born and raised here in Arizona, 并就读于亚利桑那大学,获得了英语文学学士学位. Immediately thereafter he attended and received his J.D. from the University of Denver. 从法学院毕业后,安德鲁在科罗拉多州一家酒店公司担任了一年的内部法律顾问,同时学习并最终通过了律师资格考试.

Mr. 斯皮尔曼开始了他的法律生涯,在科罗拉多州公共辩护人丹佛审判办公室担任公设辩护人. 在那里,他处理了各种各样的案件,从第一次出庭一直到审判. 在他担任公设辩护律师期间,他非常重视酒后驾车案件. Since returning to Arizona and joining Schill Law Group, 安德鲁有一个承诺,专注于为他的客户获得最好的结果,同时以同情和同理心对待他们. 不在法庭的时候,安德鲁喜欢打高尔夫球、攀岩和飞钓.

Attorney Deborah Levine

Richard Nedlin

Richard Nedlin是纽约人,获得文学学士学位.A.) in Criminal Justice from John Jay College in 1999. Mr. 内德林随后就读于纽约法学院,在那里他获得了法学学位(J.D) in 2002.

从法学院毕业后,理查德搬到了科罗拉多州,在那里他开始了他的法律生涯,担任阿斯彭第九司法地区检察官办公室的副地区检察官. In 2013 Richard went into private practice forming Richard P. Nedlin, LLC  in Aspen, Colorado. There he focused his practice on criminal defense and family law, successfully representing clients in Colorado family, misdemeanor and felony courts until 2022, when he moved to Arizona.

Mr. Nedlin自搬到亚利桑那州后加入了Schill Law Group,并将在家庭法和刑事辩护领域执业. 理查德认为,他作为副地区检察官的多年经验使他拥有内部人士的视角,并使他能够更好地与检察官谈判. Having worked as a prosecutor, he understands how they approach a case, and how to provide a successful defense for clients.

Attorney David Yuhas

David Yuhas

David has been in practice for the last 16 years, initially in New Jersey, and now exclusively in the State of Arizona. David graduated from DePaul University with a B.A. in Finance in 1996. 随后,他进入西顿霍尔法学院学习,并于1999年毕业.

最初,大卫在新泽西州伯灵顿县的家庭法法庭担任法律助理. While employed for the Court, 他亲自学习了审判的要素和法官在作出案件裁决时所进行的思考过程. After the clerkship ended, David went to work in private practice, focusing on probate, family law, real estate, collection and corporate matters.

Since moving to Phoenix in 2002, David has practiced with several small firms in the area, focusing on family law, probate and civil cases. He has worked exclusively in family law since 2006. 大卫的案件得到了极大的关注,并花时间向客户解释流程, as well as working out the strategy for each matter with them. 客户在他们的事务中是真正积极的参与者,David帮助他们做出决定和决定如何进行,以及在他们的案件中采取什么重点.

Attorney Deborah Levine

Joy Parker

乔伊·帕克是土生土长的纽约人,她的职业生涯始于纽约市的起诉案件. Thereafter, Joy moved to Arizona in 2008, and has experience working in the government and private practice, 并且在家庭各个领域的实践中积累了丰富的法律背景, juvenile law and criminal law.
乔伊的光芒会从你们初次见面开始一直延续到法庭. 乔伊的经历来自她无数次的出庭和审判. Joy is unafraid of taking on contentious family law cases, or battling with any of the numerous governmental agencies in Arizona. 她能在压力下茁壮成长,热情地处理任何类型的案件. 如果你正在处理棘手的指控,不要担心,乔伊不会害怕接受它们.
乔伊在亚利桑那州、纽约州和新泽西州有执业律师执照. 她被允许在美国亚利桑那州地区法院和新泽西州地区法院执业.

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