(480) 680-7432


希尔欧洲杯外围官网 has a dedicated team of fraud defense attorneys who will work with you to ensure that the best outcome is achieved in your case. Our fraud and criminal defense lawyers handle fraud and criminal law cases exclusively, and have decades of experience in courts throughout Arizona. We aggressively defend your rights and are dedicated to uncovering all of the facts necessary to protect your freedom and achieve the best  possible result.


顶级欺诈 & 盗窃辩护律师

Being charged with any type of fraud or theft offense in Arizona can carry serious consequences, 包括监禁或监禁时间. Defending these cases requires experience and an understanding of all areas of forensic sciences.

There are a wide variety of offenses that can fall under fraud charges,  包括盗窃, 洗钱, 汽车盗窃, 欺诈计划, 入店行窃, 网络欺诈, 入室盗窃, 抢劫, 和更多的.

The lawyers at 希尔欧洲杯外围官网 have over 100 years of combined legal experience and have succcessfully defended clients charged with fraud offenses in courts throughout Arizona. Call today for a free consultation to review your case with an experienced and trusted trial attorney.



If You or a Loved One Are Facing Felony 欺诈 Charges Call Us Anytime For a Free Consultation. Our Attorneys Have Decades of Experience Defending 欺诈 Cases and Can Help You Today.

欺诈 & 盗窃的指控

Our fraud and crimnal defense attorneys provide an aggressive defense for theft, 白领, 伪造, money laundering and other fraud related offenses. These types of cases require extensive knowledge in forensic science to build a proper defense for felony charges in both state and federal court.

If you or a loved one are facing fraud related charges, you dont have to fight the government alone. Call the experienced attorneys at 希尔欧洲杯外围官网 and put a top defense team on your side today..


If you’ve been accused of fraud in the state of Arizona, you deserve an aggressive Phoenix fraud attorney to protect your rights. A fraud charge in Arizona can carry a prison sentence of up to 12.5 years, and in some cases, a prison sentence is mandatory — even for a first-time offender. For a person with at least two allegeable prior felony convictions, prison sentences reach 35 years. 对欺诈指控的判决各不相同, depending on the type of offense and the value of property or amount of money involved. That’s why it is crucial for you to retain the services of an experienced fraud defense attorney who is experienced in 白领 crime defense. The 希尔欧洲杯外围官网 has more than 100 years of combined criminal defense experience, 尤其是在欺诈指控的情况下, we can often get theft charges downgraded and possibly even dismissed altogether. We offer free consultations and our Phoenix fraud attorneys stand ready to hear your case.

(480) 680-9265

There are two different natures of fraud charges: civil or criminal. Civil fraud applies to circumstances involving bad faith, in which case penalties are designed to reprimand the offender and return the victim to the original financial position he or she was in prior to the fraudulent action. A criminal fraud charge, assumes intent by the fraud perpetrator.


By definition several elements are required in order for a fraud charge to stand. In general, a fraud charge must prove a misrepresentation of a fact:

  1. By a person or entity who knows or believes the fact to be false
  2. To a person or entity who justifiably relies on the misrepresentation
  3. Involving injury or loss resulting from this reliance

通常, each of these elements must be proven individually in order for an incidence to be deemed fraud.

The 希尔欧洲杯外围官网 can defend you on numerous types of fraud charges in Arizona:

  • 银行诈骗
  • 贿赂
  • 伪造
  • 挪用公款
  • 证券欺诈
  • 税务欺诈
  • 保险欺诈
  • 邮件欺诈
  • 网络欺诈
  • 身份盗窃
  • 失业率欺诈
  • 和更多的

The 希尔欧洲杯外围官网’s fraud attorneys will work with you to plan the best possible defense for your case. We offer a free consult with you over the phone or in person, with no obligation. Your conversation with us is strictly confidential. 今天打电话给我们: (480) 680-9265.











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